
With fundamental terms in place, we have the underpinnings of a change-based language. To apply these terms to a system, we need simple, structured, and flexible patterns that are conducive to insight and elucidate coherent usage of these terms.


Represents the foundational meta-pattern underlying all other patterns of change, embodying the fluid and continuous nature of transformation across systems

Reflects the natural recurrence of events or processes within a system, emphasizing the cyclic nature of systemic dynamics.

Illustrates processes where a change or event in one part of a system precipitates a series of subsequent changes or events, highlighting sequential dynamics.

Addresses critical points in a system where a small change can lead to significant shifts, emphasizing nonlinear dynamism.

Focuses on the alignment of cycles, processes, or activities within a system to produce coordinated behaviors, emphasizing the temporal dynamics of systemic coherence.

Embodies the propagation of influence from a central point, symbolizing the spread and diminishing impact of systemic changes.

The trend of random or indeterminate behavior or structure due to obfuscation, lack of information, or random fluctuation.

Visualizes systems as interconnected networks, emphasizing the complex interdependencies and the potential for widespread influence through network dynamics.

Embodies the concept of evolutionary progress, where systems undergo cyclic processes with incremental developments, symbolizing growth and transformation.

Pertains to the rise of novel properties or behaviors as a result of component interaction, representing the spontaneous creation of new systemic levels.

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