Pattern Cheat Sheet

Usage Instructions:

  • Start with an observed phenomenon or behavior in a system.

  • Follow the decision nodes based on the characteristics of what's observed.

  • Arrive at a primary or secondary pattern that best fits the observation.

  • For comprehensive understanding or solution crafting, consider if meta-patterns (Flow Pattern and possible future recognized meta-patterns) apply to the observed pattern dynamics, potentially offering deeper insights.

  1. Start:

    • Observe a System: Identify observed behaviors, interactions, or phenomena.

  2. Primary Observation:


  • A pattern may lead to another; observe if multiple patterns are in play for a nuanced understanding.

  • If the observed phenomena do not fit these patterns, contemplate if it's a new pattern or if there is insufficient data.

  • Utilize this diagram as a tool for initial pattern recognition, leading to more detailed investigation and analysis.

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